Success stories from Lalji Lawyer - Tax expert
For over 30 years Lalji Advocaat-Belastingkundige, established in Amsterdam, is assisting entrepreneurs, accountants and private individuals. We have been successful in both tax matters and criminal tax matters. We would like to share some of our success stories here.

Success story 1
Judgment of the District Court of Amsterdam, 13 December 2018
Bankruptcy fraud
Final judgment of the district court in a bankruptcy fraud case
(art. 3:41/3:43 sub 1 jo. 47 Dutch Penal Code and art. 3:41
sub 1 jo. art. 51 jo. art. 47 Dutch Penal Code). Client was acquitted completely. This acquittal is final.

Success story 2
Judgment of the District Court of Amsterdam, 21 July 2015
Money laundering by illegal alien
Client was accused of violating article 197 Dutch Penal Code being an illegal alien and of money laundering (article 420bis/quater Dutch Penal Code). Client was acquitted completely. This acquittal is final.
Success story 3
Ruling of the Dutch Supreme Court, 12 April 2013
Total fine quashed
The appeal in respect of the fines imposed in revised tax assessments on clients holding non-disclosed foreign capital was awarded. Subsequently the court of referral completely quashed the fines.
Success story 4
Dutch Tax Authorities, The Hague office, 2016
Order to provide information quashed
The objection to the order to provide information ex art. 52a Dutch State Taxes Act on account of failure to declare foreign assets was sustained.
Success story 5
Surrender procedure (Human Trafficking and Money Laundering) First instance, 1st offence charged: 273f lid 1 sub 2 Dutch Penal Code, 273f lid 1 sub 3 Dutch Penal Code, 237 lid 1 sub 6 Dutch Penal Code, 237 lid 1 sub 9 Dutch Penal Code en 237f lid 1 sub 1 jo. sub 4, jo. sub 9 jo. lid 2; and 2nd offence charged: 420bis/420ter Dutch Penal Code.
District Court Judgment: 1st offence: sentenced to 20 months imprisonment; 2nd offence: the Public Prosecutor was declared inadmissible.
Ruling of Court of Appeal Amsterdam, registration number 23-003791-17, dated 26 April 2019: acquittal (Public Prosecutor did not appeal in cassation, final acquittal). Claim by aggrieved party was declared inadmissible.
Current events
In the meantime the Dutch Tax Authorities have sent revised tax assessments to holders of secret accounts.
(Panama papers account holders, Credit Suisse etc.). Have you already received, or expect to receive shortly, such tax assessment then do not hesitate to immediately contact Lalji advocaat-belastingkundige, an expert with regard to these (repentance) dossiers.